Have you ever faced sores inside your mouth?it makes talking and eating quite difficult right.

These ulcers, for unknown reasons, are known to appear more in females aged between 10-30years. It is believed that nearly 20% of the general population is affected by this dz at least one time in life. And as I had already mentioned, there’s a remarkable familial tendency for the occurrence of this dz.


AKA recurrent aphthous stomatitis/ canker sores are a common dz in which there are painful, recurring single or multiple ulcers on the oral mucosa.

This dz is generally confused with herpes simplex virus infection on the grounds of clinical appearance, duration of lesions, recurrence and precipitating factors but let me tell u that there’s no etiologic relationship and these guys are different from each other.

ETIOLOGY:  the exact cause of these ulcers are unknown

But there are predisposing factors leading to it. I’ve made a mnemonic for it AGAINST, where

Stands for age, allergy

G is genetic which means that the individuals have a positive family hx for the dz

H hormonal changes

I Immunology where the Ig G AND Ig M bind to spinous cells of the epithelial layer

N nutritional deficiency of iron, vit b12 or folic acid

S for stress and systemic disorders or syndromes which include HIV, Behcet syndrome, reiters syndrome sweets syndrome, MAGIC syndrome which stands for major aphthous and generalized inflamed cartilage ), PFAPA syndrome which means a periodic fever, aphthous, pharyngitis and cervical adenitis.

T stands for trauma which includes self inflicted biting of the oral mucosa,  tooth brushing, needle injection, or any dental procedures.


Apart from these, an alpha-hemolytic strep, s. sanguis is highly implicated as the causative agent of this dz.

Let's RECALL IT ONCE AGAIN AGAINST which means…………


There are three broad types which are


Minor aphthous ulcers


And herpetiform a ulcers


Minor, aka Mikulicz ulcers are the ones whose size is less than a cm. generally involve the non keratinized mucosa which involves the mucosa of ur cheeks, inside of ur lips and underneath ur tongue. it heals within a week without any scarring.


Major aka Sutton's ulcers are larger, about greater than a cm and they can even involve the keratinized mucosa eg the palate. It heals slowly taking about a month and might leave behind a scar.

Major or minor aphthous ulcers might range from 1-to 6 in number.


The last type is herpetiform which as the name suggests appears as tiny fluid-filled vesicles that turn into a pinhead-sized ulcer resembling a herpes virus infection. They are less than a cm and are dispersed widely over the mucosa.


The aphthous ulcer begins as a single or multiple superficial erosions covered by a grey membrane

It generally has a necrotic centre with clearly defined raised margins surrounded by an erythematous halo. The lesion is typically very painful so it commonly interferes with eating and speech.

The onset of the disease may occur with a variety of manifestations, which are not invariably present in all cases. These include the occurrence of one or more small nodules; burning sensation, erythema or redness, generalized oedema or swelling of the oral cavity, especially the tongue; paresthesia or abnormal tingling sensation.  malaise; low-grade fever; localized lymphadenopathy; and vesicle-like lesions containing mucus,

The frequency of outbreaks of the aphthae varies remarkably between patients. Some persons will have

only one or two attacks in a year, while others will have one or two attacks in a month, and almost every month for prolonged periods, sometimes even years.



Minor ulcers heal themselves within a week so no specific tt is required. However, since the lesions are painful, topical analgesia or anaesthesia with lidocaine can be given.


For Major ulcers, steroids such as prednisolone 30-40 mg should be given

Other tt options include tetracycline oral rinse thrice a day for 5 days which might be for the bacterial infection leading to aphthae

Long term use of steroids might lead to various complications so we can switch to immunomodulators such as colchicine.


You don’t have to worry much since this is a very common condition occurring in the oral cavity. For managing this condition, Just take care of the symptoms such that you don’t feel much pain.


That’s all for today. Hope it was helpful. Do give the video a thumbs up and leave a subscription down below if u haven’t subscribed yet.


TILL then, med it made it for u…….




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