A labor when combined first and second stage of labor is less than 3 hours
- 2% , More in Multiparae
- mostly a/w placental abruption and uterine tachysystole
- Hyperactive uterine contraction
- less resistance of soft tissue
Rate of cervical dilatation in this case might be 5 or more cm/hr
Maternal Risks
- extensive laceration of cervix , vagina , perineum ( may be complete tear )
- PPH ( Atonia d/t vigorous UC )
-Uterine Rupture
-Amniotic fluid embolism
Fetal Risk
- Intracranial Hemorrhage
- injuries when expelled in standing position
- Bleeding from torn umbilical cord
- Head injury , Brachial plexus injury
- Pervious Hx mothers hospitalised prior to labor
-Uterine contractions suppressed using ether or MgSO4
- Delivery of Head controlled
-Episiotomy done
- ARM done ( after Elective induction )
-Augumentations Avoided