Irritable Bowel Syndrome - A short Review

- Functional bowel disorder

- Intermittent or chronic abdominal pain

-changes in bowel habits


- 10-15% of the Western World

-Likely underdiagnosed

onset - young adulthood

Associated conditions

- Fibromyalgia 

-Chronic fatigue syndrome


-MDD ( major depressive disorder )




- Unknown ( no organic cause, functional bowel disorder )

- Gastrointestinal Motility disturbances

-Visceral hypersensitivity and altered perception

-psychiatric symptoms can precede the onset of GI symptoms

Other factors

- intestinal inflammation ( increased lymphocytes and mast cells )

- Fecal microbiome disruption ( bacterial overgrowth )

-Food sensitivity 

-Post-infectious ( E. coli ( O157:H7 ), Campylobacter )

Signs and symptoms

- Abdominal pain ( associated with defection, cramping pain, exacerbated by meals and


- Change in stool frequency and consistency ( Diarhhea and constipation )

       diarrhea - in the morning and after eating 

        constipation - pellet shaped, can also have the sensation of tenesmus

other associated symptoms

-straining, urgency, tenesmus

-passage of mucous

-bloating and abdominal distension


- Bowel habit journal

Rome IV criteria

- Symptoms one day per week in the past three months

-Abdominal discomfort

            pain - associated with at least two

                                a. relieved /related with defecation

                                b.change in stool frequency

                                c.change in stool consistency

other symptoms

  • change in frequency - more than 3 times per day ( diarrhea type ) or less than 3 times a week 
  • change in consistency - more than 1/4 of bowel movements
  • change in sensation ( urgency or tenesmus ) - more than 1/4 of bowel movements
  • passage of mucous - more than 1/4 of bowel movements
  • sensation of bloating 

Rule out red flag signs

- onset after 50 years

- anemia

- fever


-nocturnal defecation

-unexplained weight loss

-laboratory abnormalities

Rule out similar symptoms

- infections 


-Lactose intolerance

-celiac disease

-diet-induced diarrhea



IBS - Types

- IBS-D ( diarrhea type Bristol type - 6,7)

-IBS-C ( constipation type Bristol type - 1,2)

-IBS-M ( Mixed)

-IBS unclassified

IBS Management

- increase fiber intake ( 30gm/day)

-Low FODMAP diet

            Fermentable oligo, Di, Monosachharied, and Polyols

-avoid gluten, lactose, and excess caffeine 

-increase physical activity

-stress reduction

IBS with diarrhea

- loperamide


IBS with constipation 

- Linaclotide

-Laxatives ( Lactulose, PEG )

Bloating and flatus

- alpha-galactosidase




IBS related pain

- Tricyclic antidepressants

Rifaxamine if unresponsive

Other Therapies

  • Relaxation therapy
  • biofeedback
  • probiotics
  • hypnosis


- improve over time ( 80% )

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