A systemic state of low tissue perfusion that is inadequate for normal cellular respiration
  • Pathophysiology
  • Low perfusion leads to anerobic metabolism which leads to accumulation of lactic acid in the blood producing systemic metabolic acidosis
  • Glucose exhausted , anerobic metabolism also ceases and Na/K pump fails 
  • Intracellular lysis by release of lysosomal autodigestive enzymes , cell lysis ensues.
  • Intracellular contents including K released in the blood
  • Tissue ischemia progresses , activation of the immune and coagulation systems
  • Hypoxia & acidosis activate complement and prime neutrophils - generation of free radicals, cytokine release , endothelial injury
  • Leaky endothelium leads to tissue edema , exacerbating tissue hypoxia

  • Preload, after load decreases , compensatory baroreceptors response
  • Increased catecholamines into circulation
  • Tachycardia and systemic vasoconstriction ( Except in sepsis)

  • Metabolic acidosis , increased sympathetic response
  • Tachypnea , minute ventilation
  • Increased excretion of CO2 ( produce a compensatory respiratory alkalosis)
  • Decreased perfusion , decreased Urine output
  • RAAS axis stimulation , further vasoconstriction
  • Increased sodium & water reabsorption by renal tubules
  • Decreased preload , release of RAAS , vasopressin 
  • Vasoconstriction and resorption of H²O
  • Cortisol - Na , H²O resorption 
  • Sensitising cells to catecholamines ( permissiveness)
Ischemia- reperfusion syndrome
  • Systemic hypoperfusion , activation of inflammation - damage to cells and tissue
  • Acid and K + accumulation leads to myocardial depression , vascular dilatation & further hypotension
  • Cellular & humoral elements activated by hypoxia
  • Neutrophils, complement, microvascular thrombi rush back to circulation- endothelial injury
  • Lungs and kidneys affected

Classification of shock
  1. Hypovolemic shock
  2. Carduogenic shock
  3. Obstructive shock
  4. Distributive shock
  5. Endocrine shock

Hypovolemic shock
  • Reduce circulating volume
  • Hemorrhagic and non hemorrhagic ( poor hydration , fluid loss due to vomiting, diarrhea, urinary loss (eg diabetes) , evaporation , third spacing)
  • Third spacing- loss of fluid into GI & interstitial ( bowel obstruction & Pancreatitis)
Cardiogenic shock
  • Failure of heart to pump the blood
  • Cause : MI , Arrythmia , valcular heart disease, trauma, cardiomyopathy, drugs, toxins
  • Venous HTN , pulmonary or systemic edeman- classical sign of shock
Obstructive shock
  • Reduction in preload due to obstruction in mechanical filling
  • Cause - Cardiac tamponade, tension pneumothorax, massive pulmonary or air embolus
Distributive shock
  • Vasodilation due to (histamine release , failure of sympathetic outflow , adequate
  • Maldistritbution of blood flow at Microvascular level with AV shunting and dysfunction of cellular utilization of O2

Endocrine shock
  • Hypo /hyperthyroid , adrenal insufficiency

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