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About the Download

We have compiled the best telegram groups available in 2023 for free content on medical lectures, pdfs , notes and more. It contains 103 groups that you can connect for free and download free study materials from there . This is the largest free telegram collection you will ever come across on website. These links have been collected from rigorous surfing search engines for hours and days . I hope you appreciate our work so please save our website link and keep visiting us for free links. 
We want to clarify that we do not guarantee any reliability for the links , they might not work as time passes by so you can check them as soon as possible. 1.Marrow question bank , marrow 2022 notes , marrow all masterclass videos ,marrow revision notes , marrow pearls ,marrow delta notes 2. Prepladder 4.0(2022) edition all notes 3. Prepladder 4.0(2022) rapid revision notes 5.Dams q bank all subjects 6. Dams concept book 8. Dbmci vibe videos 9. Egurukul PRATICAL lab notes 10. E gurukul 3.0 notes(2022) 11.Bhatia anatomy notes 12. Clinical dbmci 13. Dbmci COVID cure 15 Dams dvt 2022 videos 16. Dams dvt 2022 notes 17. EGURUKUL 2.0 notes 18. Egurukul last minute rapid revision 19. Dr dilip medicine pdfs 20. Elite notes all subject 21.Dr najeeb pdfs 22. High yield pdfs 23. Image bank 24. Pyq(previous year ) recall 25. RajaMahendran surgery notes 26. Complete pediatric by anand Bhatia 27. Complete pathology by ranjit 28. Notespedia marrow notes 29. Egurukul anatomy videos 30. Vibe dbmci 31. EGURUKUL tnd neetpg 32. Dams must know topics 34. Subjectwise image Bank by NLC 35. Neetpg Subjectwise questions 36. Subjectwise aiims pyqs 37. Neet pg pyqs 38. Fmg pyqs 39. MIST ALL IN ONE 10TH EDITION 40. Fmg insights by arise academy 41. Top 50 questions by Preeti sharma 42. Some shortcut /mnemonics 43. High yielding topics for PG entrance preparation 45.all 19 subjects important images for neetpg fmg 46. Dr jtm notes 47. COVID 19 special 48. Prepladder rapid revision 3.0 notes 49. Dr azam anatomy rapid revision videos 50. Prepladder 3.0 notes 51.Medinaz mnemonics 52. Top 50 questions by Preeti sharma session 53. Dr azam biochemistry rapid revision videos 54. Dr azam notes & workbook 55. FMG SOLUTIONS 6 TH EDITION 56. Deepak marwah FMG solutions (2022) 58. Mnemonics /shortcuts 59. Inicet previous year questions 60. DPGI IMAGE BANK 61. Deepak Marwah ed 7 PDFs 62. Previous year topics 63. Drugs of choice compiled 64. AIIMS ESSENCE 2019 -2015 65. Dr g bhanu prakash Medical academy quick revision notes 66. DPGI ACADEMY Notes 67. Dr Ashish Kumar physiology videos 68. Rapid revision plus course of all 19 subjects by Zainab Vora 69. FMG pyqs (2019-2023) 70.Inicet may 2023 recall 71. Previous year topics FMGs 72. Drugs of choice 73. AIIMS essence 2019-2015 pritesh Kumar Singh 74. Extra edge images radiology by Zainab vora 75. Neetpg marathon 2023 76. First aid 2023 version 77. FMG pyqs 2019-2023 78. FMG pyq book by Target plus 2000 79.kaplan diagnostic flash cards 80. Ed 2 ent essence by Dr Rajeev Dhawan 81. BTR ZAINAB VORA PDF FROM CEREBELLUM ACADEMY 82. BTR & NEETPG MARATHON 2023 VIDEOS 83. DBMCI NEETPG 2023 TEST PAPERS 84. Neetpg previous year questions 85. DBMCI VIBE VIDEOS 86. Sakshi Arora obs & gynae 87. Drug of choice 88. Ashwini Kumar handwritten notes 89.fmg 2023 recall 90 . Cerebellum 100 radio Zainab vora images 91. NLC CHANTING 92. Pharma, PSM, OBGY one touch books(NOT for FMGEs who are preparing for July exam) 93. Images of all subjects from all medical entrance exams at one place( this is for all exams) 94. Fmg solutions 7edition clinical part 95. Drugs chart 96. Egurukul lmrp 19 subjects 2022 97. One liners PDFs of important subjects 98. Fmg clinical vignettes 99.19 subjects crash course pdf Zainab vora 100. Nikita nanwani sureshots 2.0 101. Mist test papers 102. Nikita mam radiology videos 103. One shot revision video by Ashwini Kumar
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