Recurrent painless cervical dilatation leading
to second trimester loses
“The inability of the uterine cervix to
retain a pregnancy in the 2nd trimester in the absence of clinical contractions,
labor or both”
Structural cervical weakness ( Leading to
recurrent 2nd trimester losses )
Acquired - may be secondary to cervical surgery
or uterine surgery
(Dilatation , curettage , hysteroscopy )
Nonrecurrent 2nd trimester looses
Decidual infection /inflammation
Bleeding at the surface between decidua and
Uterine over distension
Clinical findings
History of Recurrent 2nd Trimester pregnancy
losses or live births (often before 24 weeks )
No / minimal mid symptoms
Cervical dilation or effacement on physical
Cervical trauma (most common) = during labor (spontaneous
or iatrogenic), mechanical dilation during gynecologic procedure, tumor treatment
Congenital cervical anomalies(rare) genetic
disorder affecting collagen synthesis (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome), uterine anomalies,
in vitro Diethylstilbesterol
Short cervical length –detected on transvaginal
Begins at 14 to 20 weeks of Gestations
Braxton Hicks Contractions
Pelvic pressure
Premenstrual like cramping / backache
Change in vaginal discharge (Volume increase,
thickness decrease, color change from normal (white, light yellow) to pink, tan,
red spotting)
Cervix = soft, closed with minimal effacement
Tocodynamometry = no infrequent contractions
Provocative maneuvers (Supra pubic pressure , fundal
pressure or Valsalva maneuver ) reveals
fetal membrane in the canal( membrane may prolapse )
Transvaginal USG (TVU)
(CL <= 25mm)
Debris (sludge or biofilm), SLUDGE = fetal squames,
vernix, leukocytes, bacteria
On Serial USG, CL may decrease
Past History
Past history of >2 consecutive second trimester
losses or extremely low term (mostly loss before 24 weeks)
Ultrasound Based diagnosis
Obstetrics history of second trimester loss or
premature delivery (<28 weeks) and short CL in TVU
Serial USG shows CL <= 25 mm in 24 weeks
§ Infections,
labor, bleeding excluded
Physical Examination
Usually in patients in between 14 to 27 weeks of
Physical examinations= effacement in absence of labor,
advanced cervical dilation
Membrane may be prolapsed or rupture
Labor, infection, and bleeding related to
placental abruption or placenta previa should be excluded
Exclusion of other differential diagnosis
Diagnosis Exclusion Technique
Labor – Tocodynamometry
Infection – Urine culture /Urinalysis Culture
and amniocentesis (when uterine dilation or membrane effacement confirmed on examination)
Bleeding – history, physical and
ultrasound examinations
When to perform Amniocentesis?
When cervix dilated >=2cm or manual or
speculum examination (incidence of intraamniotic infection = 20 to 50 %)
USG= inflammation finding (debris /sludge /biofilm)
Membrane visible or exposed at external Os