Keywords: bell's oral and facial pain, 7th edition, bell's oral and facial pain pdf, bell's oral and facial pain, bell's oral and facial pain pdf, Orofacial pain pdf
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Table of Contents
- Defining the Problem
- Pain as a Clinical Problem
- The Dentist’s Responsibility
- Historical Note
- Changing Concepts of Pain
- Emergency Nature of Pain
- Levels of Pain Processing
- Phylogenic Considerations
- Human Anatomical Considerations
- Neural Pathways of Pain
- Special Considerations for Oral and Facial Pain
- The Neural Anatomy of Oral and Facial Pain
- The Neurophysiology of Peripheral Nociception
- Anatomy and Function of the Primary Afferent (Nociceptive) Neuron
- Dynamic Nerve Terminal
- Peripheral Synapse with the Sensory Receptor
- Ion Channels
- Neurotransmitters
- Elimination of the Transmitter from the Synapse
- Tissue Injury and Nociception
- Neuronal Sensitization
- Axon Transport System
- The Neurophysiology of Nociception in the Dorsal Horn and Brainstem
- Anatomy of the Dorsal Horn
- Dynamic Function of the Dorsal Horn
- Anatomy of the Brainstem
- Dynamic Function of the Brainstem
- Modulating Effects of Endorphins
- The Central Processing of Pain
- Nociceptive Input in the Dorsal Horn
- Site of Pain Versus Source of Pain
- Types of Heterotopic Pain
- Central Sensitization in the Trigeminal System
- Evolving Concepts of Pain
- State-Dependent Sensory Processing
- The Processing of Pain at the Supraspinal Level
- Factors Influencing the Pain Experience
- Psychologic Aspect of Pain
- Models of Pain
- Acute Versus Chronic Pain
- Emotional Significance of Oral and Facial Pain
- Psychologic Considerations of Oral and Facial Pain
- The Various Clinical Presentations of Pain
- Not All Pains Are Alike
- General Categories of Pain
- Clinical Considerations of Oral and Facial Pain
- Other Causes of Oral and Facial Pain
- Category Classification of Oral and Facial Pain
- Pain Diagnosis
- Categories of Oral and Facial Pain
- Principles of Pain Diagnosis
- Evaluating the Pain Condition
- Preliminary Interview
- History of Oral and Facial Pain
- Oral and Facial Pain Examination
- Establishing the Pain Category
- Identifying the Correct Pain Disorder
- Confirmation of the Clinical Diagnosis
- Multiple Categories of Pain
- General Considerations in Managing Oral and Facial Pain
- Cause-Related Therapy
- Therapeutic Modalities
- Considerations Related to Chronic Oral and Facial Pain
- Cutaneous and Mucogingival Pains
- Behavior of Cutaneous and Mucogingival Pains
- Types of Cutaneous and Mucogingival Pains
- Differential Diagnosis
- Therapeutic Options
- Dental Pains
- Behavior of Dental Pains
- Types of Toothaches
- Odontogenic Toothaches
- Nonodontogenic Toothaches
- Pains of Muscle Origin
- Behavior of Muscle Pain
- Types of Masticatory Muscle Pains
- Masticatory Muscle Pain Model
- Muscular Toothache
- Referred Pain Mistaken for Masticatory Pain
- Differentiating Various Masticatory Muscle Pains
- Differential Diagnosis
- Therapeutic Options for Muscle Pain Disorders
- Temporomandibular Joint Pains
- Behavior of TMJ Pains
- Normal Anatomy and Function of the TMJ
- Types of TMJ Pains
- Diagnostic Considerations
- Differential Diagnosis
- Therapeutic Options for Disc-Interference Disorders
- Other Musculoskeletal Pains
- Osseous Pains
- Periosteal Pains
- Soft Connective Tissue Pains
- Differential Diagnosis
- Therapeutic Options
- Visceral Pains
- Behavior of Visceral Pains
- Pains Emanating from Visceral Mucosa
- Glandular Pains
- Ocular Pains
- Auricular Pains
- Differential Diagnosis
- Therapeutic Options
- Vascular and Neurovascular Pains
- Behavior of Vascular and Neurovascular Pains
- Neurovascular Pains of the Mouth and Face
- Vascular Pains of the Mouth and Face
- Differential Diagnosis
- Neuropathic Pains
- Etiologic Considerations of Neuropathic Pain
- Behavior of Neuropathic Pains
- Episodic Neuropathic Pains
- Continuous Neuropathic Pains
- Psychologic Factors and Oral and Facial Pain
- Acute Versus Chronic Pain and the Biopsychosocial Model
- Psychologic Significance of Oral and Facial Pain
- Axis II: Classification of Mental Disorders
- General Therapeutic Considerations
- Physical Self-Regulation
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1. Who is the author of the book?
The author of the book is Dr. Welden Bell.
2. What does the book offer to readers?
The book provides comprehensive information about pain, its behavior, and the neurophysiology and central processing of pain. It offers practical diagnostic criteria, a classification of orofacial pain disorders, and guidelines for managing patients suffering from pain in the mouth and face.
3. Is the book up-to-date with the latest research?
Yes, the book has been revised and updated to incorporate the latest findings from pain-related research efforts. It includes advanced understanding of neurophysiology, central processing of pain, and changes to diagnostic, classification, and treatment guidelines.
4. Who is the target audience for this book?
The book is primarily intended for clinicians, dentists, and healthcare professionals involved in managing patients with oral and facial pain. However, it can also be valuable for researchers and students interested in pain management and related fields.
5. Are there practical case studies included in the book?
Yes, the book supplements concepts and techniques with case reports to help clinicians better understand orofacial pain disorders and effective treatment approaches.
6. Are there visual aids in the book to aid understanding?
Certainly! The book includes new, full-color photographs and illustrations, which enhance the reader's understanding of orofacial pain disorders and their treatment.
7. How is the book structured?
The book is divided into three main parts:
a. Part One: "The Nature of Pain" - Discusses the definition of pain, its neurophysiology, and central processing.
b. Part Two: "Clinical Considerations of Oral and Facial Pain" - Covers various clinical presentations of pain, classification, and diagnostic principles.
c. Part Three: "Clinical Pain Syndromes" - Focuses on specific pain syndromes related to oral and facial regions.
8. Can the book be used as a reference guide in clinical practice?
Absolutely! With its documented information, practical diagnostic criteria, and treatment guidelines, the book serves as an excellent reference for clinicians managing patients with oral and facial pain disorders.
9. Is the book accessible to readers without an extensive medical background?
While some medical knowledge may be beneficial, the book is written in a manner that makes it accessible to a wide range of readers, including those with a general interest in pain management.