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About the Authors
Keith Hunter is Professor of Head and Neck Pathology at the University of Sheffield. He completed his PhD at the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research (Glasgow), and was afterwards appointed as Senior Clinical Lecturer and Consultant Histopathologist at the University of Glasgow He moved to the University of Sheffield in 2009. His research focuses on the transcriptional changes seen in the various stages in the development of oral precancer and cancer with a particular interest in the control of cellular immortalization of oral keratinocytes. Clinically, he has a particular interest in tooth pathology and odontogenic tumours. He is the author of over 70 peer reviewed articles and has also contributed to a number of books.
Professor Michael Pemberton is a Consultant in Oral Medicine at Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and an Honorary Professor at the University of Manchester. He has dental and medical degrees from the University of Sheffield and is a fellow of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and Edinburgh. Since 2009, he has held the position of Medical Director at the University Dental Hospital of Manchester.
Philip Sloan is a practicing pathologist specialising in head & neck, skin and bone & soft tissue pathology. He is co-director of the Newcastle MRC Molecular Pathology Node and Designated Individual for the NuTH Human Tissue Authority research licence. After graduating from Newcastle University in 1974, he gained his PhD from the University of Bristol in 1978. He was Professor of Oral Pathology at the University of Manchester and R&D Director of CMHT until 2007 when he returned to his home city of Newcastle to take up his present appointment. Philip has published in the field of oral cancer and potentially malignant disorders. He has authored or co-authored over 200 peer reviewed publications, numerous book chapters and three books. He was lead author in 2017 for the WHO classification for oral cancer and is currently part of the writing team for ICCR guidelines relating to oral cancer and neck dissections.
- Diagnosis of oral disease
- Diseases of the oral mucosa
- Oral cancer
- Salivary gland diseases
- Diseases of the teeth and supporting structures
- Jaw cysts and odontogenic tumors
- Disorders of bone
- Skin diseases affecting the oro-facial region
- Neck lumps
- Oral manifestations of systemic disease
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1. What is the fifth edition of Soames' and Southam's classic text about?
This fifth edition is a comprehensive guide on oral pathology, covering diseases and disorders related to the oral cavity and surrounding areas. It has been updated and revised by experts in the field to include the latest advancements in diagnostic techniques and evidence-based management guidelines.
2. Who is the target audience for this textbook?
The textbook is designed to meet the educational needs of both modern dental professionals in training and existing clinicians. It serves as a valuable reference manual in oral surgery and pathology.
3. How is the content different from previous editions?
The content has been modernized to address advancements in diagnostic techniques and to emphasize commonly encountered oral diseases. Detailed descriptions of less prevalent pathology have been removed, and new information on diseases more likely to be encountered today has been added.
4. What topics are covered in the textbook?
The textbook covers a wide range of topics, including clinical examination and assessment principles, oral mucosal diseases, oral cancer, potentially malignant disorders, diseases of the salivary glands, teeth and supporting structures, jaw cysts, odontogenic tumors, bone disorders, skin diseases affecting the oro-facial region, differential diagnosis of neck lumps, and oral manifestations of systemic disease.
5. Are there any new additions in this edition?
Yes, two all-new chapters have been included in this edition. One chapter focuses on 'skin diseases affecting the oro-facial region,' describing important lesions on the face and lips. The other chapter covers the 'differential diagnosis of neck lumps,' which addresses common pathology encountered in dental surgery.
6. How does this edition assist with learning and revision?
The textbook includes handy key points boxes and summary tables throughout, providing excellent aids for learning and revision.
7. Is the textbook suitable for dental undergraduate study?
Absolutely, this textbook is an ideal resource for dental undergraduate study, as it forms a sound and reliable knowledge base in oral pathology.
8. Can clinicians benefit from this edition as well?
Yes, existing clinicians can also benefit from this edition, especially those who want to refresh their knowledge of key aspects of clinical oral medicine.
9. Is the textbook available in different formats?
Yes, the textbook is available in both paperback and e-book formats, providing flexibility to readers in choosing their preferred reading medium.
10. How does the size of this edition compare to other publications in the field?
This edition is relatively concise, at almost half the size of similar publications, while still maintaining its comprehensiveness and relevance in the field of oral pathology.