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We take great pride in offering a functional download of the latest Sturdevant’s art & science of operative dentistry, 7th Edition. Our website provides a wide range of free PDFs, videos, ebooks, and other valuable content that is often challenging to find independently.
Within this website, you will discover valuable downloads that are exceedingly rare to come across on your own. Our primary objective is to provide top-notch quality products to each and every visitor who accesses our website.ABOUT THE CONTENT
2. Dental Caries: Etiology, Clinical Characteristics, Risk Assessment, and Management
3. Patient Assessment, Examination and Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning
4. Fundamental Concepts of Tooth Preparation and Pulp Protection
5. Fundamental Concepts of Enamel and Dentin Adhesion
6. Light Curing in Operative Dentistry
7. Color and Shade Matching in Operative Dentistry
8. Clinical Technique for Direct Composite Resin and Glass Ionomer Restorations
9. Additional Conservative Esthetic Procedures
10. Clinical Technique for Amalgam Restorations
11. Periodontology Applied to Operative Dentistry
12. Digital Dentistry in Operative Dentistry
13. Biomaterials
14. Instruments and Equipment for Tooth Preparation
15. Preliminary Considerations for Operative Dentistry
16. Bonded Splints and Bridges
17. Direct Gold Restorations
18. Class II Cast Metal Restorations
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