NExT Exam for MBBS: Eligibility, Exam Pattern, and Latest Updates

Keywords : NExT Exam, Eligibility criteria, National Exit Test, Exam pattern, Postgraduate courses, MBBS, Medical Council of India


The NExT (National Exit Test) Process:

The National Exit Test (NExT) will be conducted in two steps: NExT 1 and NExT 2. NExT 1 is a theoretical exam, while NExT 2 is a practical exam. Candidates who successfully qualify in NExT 1 will become eligible for an internship and subsequently for the NExT 2 practical exam. The National Medical Commission (NMC) will release an information brochure that provides detailed information about the application process and other important details regarding the NExT PG exam.

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NExT Step 1:

NExT Step 1 is conducted in a computer-based mode and consists of a total of 540 multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The paper covers six subjects from the third year/final MBBS course, divided into Part 1 and Part 2. Candidates who have completed the third year/final MBBS course from a recognized medical college are eligible to appear for this examination. NExT MBBS Step 1 is held once a year before the University Practical Examination for the III MBBS (Part 2)/Final MBBS, just prior to the compulsory rotating internship. In case a candidate fails in one or more of the six subjects, they can appear in the NMC NExT Step 1 supplementary examination, which is held once a year. There is no limit on the number of attempts for the NExT exam, but candidates must pass NExT Step 1 within 10 years of joining the MBBS program.

NExT Step 2:

NExT Step 2 is a Practical/Clinical and Viva-based examination. It is conducted in person/live by the respective state Health Universities/Institutions. Paper 2 of the NExT exam consists of seven clinical subjects/disciplines. The focus of NExT Step 2 is on clinical case-based assessments, involving simulated cases/patients. This aims to evaluate practical/clinical skills, clinical decision-making abilities, and communication skills of the candidates. The examination format is designed to assess the candidate's ability to apply their medical knowledge in real-life scenarios and effectively interact with patients.

NExT Exam Eligibility Criteria: The eligibility criteria for the NExT exam or National Exit Test, as mentioned in the draft guidelines, are as follows: 1. All undergraduate medical students pursuing MBBS from medical colleges approved by the National Medical Commission (NMC). 2. All Foreign Medical Graduates approved by the NMC for the purpose of obtaining a license to practice medicine as a registered medical practitioner in India. 3. Any other individual who holds a medical degree for purposes such as pursuing an academic course, observership, or any other specific purposes as specified and approved by the NMC.

Events Exam Date Exam Result
NExT Step 1 Regular May/November 1st week of June/December
3rd year MBBS/Final MBBS PART 2 Practical / Clinical University Examination 1st week of June/December 3rd week of June/December
Internship 1st January/July 31st December/30th June following year
NExT Step 2 Regular 3rd week June/December Last week of June/December
NExT Step 2 Supplementary 1st week September/March 3rd week September/March
Postgraduate Admission May-June (Counselling) 30-Jun-2024
Postgraduate course

1st week July/1st week January

NExT Application Form:

The application process for the NExT 2024 exam is expected to be conducted online. While there is no official notification regarding the application process yet, it is anticipated that the National Medical Commission (NMC) will release an online application form for NExT 2024. The specific application dates will be announced on the official website, and the registration is likely to begin in the last week of October 2024. Candidates will be required to register online and complete the application form by providing necessary information, uploading images, and paying the registration fee. It is advised that candidates carefully review the eligibility criteria before applying for the NExT PG exam.

NExT Exam Eligibility Criteria:

The eligibility criteria for the NExT exam or National Exit Test, as mentioned in the draft guidelines, are as follows:

1. All undergraduate medical students pursuing MBBS from medical colleges approved by the National Medical Commission (NMC).

2. All Foreign Medical Graduates approved by the NMC for the purpose of obtaining a license to practice medicine as a registered medical practitioner in India.

3. Any other individual who holds a medical degree for purposes such as pursuing an academic course, observership, or any other specific purposes as specified and approved by the NMC.

NExT Exam Syllabus:

The NExT Syllabus consists of six subjects that cover clinical, pre-clinical, and para-clinical areas. These subjects are tested in NExT 1, which evaluates the theoretical knowledge of the students. The subjects included in the NExT 1 Syllabus are as follows:

1. Medicine & allied subjects

2. Pediatrics

3. Surgery & allied subjects

4. Otorhinolaryngology

5. Obstetrics & Gynecology

6. Ophthalmology

NExT Exam Pattern:

The NMC NExT exam pattern includes details about the mode of the exam, the total number of questions, question types, and other relevant information. NExT 1, which is a theory-based exam, will be conducted in online mode. It will consist of 540 multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Clearing NExT 1 is a prerequisite for the internship program, and candidates need to score a minimum of 50% marks to qualify. Both NExT 1 and NExT 2 need to be cleared to be eligible for admission into PG courses.

NExT Exam Marking Scheme:

To qualify for the exam, candidates must achieve a minimum score. The marks obtained in NExT 1 will be calculated as whole numbers, which will serve as the raw scores. Corresponding percentages (marks out of a maximum of 100) with appropriate decimals may be calculated if required. The NExT 2 exam results will be declared as either Pass or Fail based on the acquisition of appropriate competence evaluated during the practical exam.

NExT Exam Question Pattern:

NExT 1 paper will be divided into three parts and conducted over three days, covering six papers in total. Out of the 540 MCQs in NExT 1, approximately 65% will be based on problem-solving and analytical skills, 25% will be comprehension-based, and the remaining 10% will be recall-based. The schedule provided below is tentative and subject to feasibility and logistics.

Please note that the table containing the schedule for NExT 1 is not available in the given text.

NExT Cut Off:

To qualify for the NExT PG exam, candidates need to score the minimum cut-off marks. The qualifying criteria differ for NExT 1 and NExT 2. For NExT 1, the minimum passing marks will be 50% or half of the maximum possible raw score for NExT Step 1. The passing criteria for NExT Step 2 will be the satisfactory demonstration of competencies, which will be evaluated and declared as a Pass/Fail result.

Days Subjects Number of Questions Allotted Time
Day 1 Medicine & allied subjects 120 180 minutes
Paediatrics 60 90 minutes
Day 2 Surgery & Allied 120 180 minutes
ENT 60 90 minutes
Day 3 Obstetrics & Gynaecology 120 180 minutes
Ophthalmology 60 90 minutes
Total 540 810 minutes
Also read : FAQ on NeXT

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